آقای دامن افشان ممکنه که بگین زیپرشین کدوم بسته ها رو پشتیبانی نمیکنه؟در راهنمای بیدی اومده.
نقل قول
2 Support For Various Packages and Classes
The bidi package supports amsmath, amsthm, array, arydshln, breqn, caption, color,
colortbl, crop, cutwin, dblfnote draftwatermark, empheq, fancyhdr, fix2col, float,
flowfram, framed, graphicx, hvfloat, hyperref, lettrine, listings, minitoc, multicol, multienum,
pdfpages, pstricks, quotchap, picinpar, ragged2e, sidecap, stabular, subfig,
subfigure, supertabular, xtab, tabls, tabulary, PGF & TIKZ, tocbibind, tocloft, tocstyle,
wrapfig, xcolor, xltxtra packages, amsart, amsbook, artikel1, artikel2, artikel3,
extarticle, flashcards, standrad article, boek, boek3, standard book, bookest, extbook,
extletter, scrlettr,standard letter, memoir, extreport, rapport1, rapport3, refrep, standard
report, scartcl, scrbook, scrreprt classes and any other packages and classes that
relies on these packages and classes. This means, you can use all these packages
and classes in addition to other packages and classes that rely on these packages
and classes and use their functionality fully for your bidirectional documents.
We now give some details that you should know about the supported packages
or classes.
texdoc bidi