موقع ارسال پست، از قسمت پایین میتونین فایل ضمیمه کنین.
یا حداقل لینک تالارشو بدین.
من متاسفانه اطلاع زیادی در مورد اینکه چه رنگهایی میتونین استفاده کنین ندارم.
توی راهنمای tikz نوشته که میتونین از رنگهای تعریف شده لاتک و بستهی xcolor استفاده کنین.
یا حداقل لینک تالارشو بدین.
من متاسفانه اطلاع زیادی در مورد اینکه چه رنگهایی میتونین استفاده کنین ندارم.
توی راهنمای tikz نوشته که میتونین از رنگهای تعریف شده لاتک و بستهی xcolor استفاده کنین.
15.2 Specifying a Color
The most unspecic option for setting colors is the following:
/tikz/color=hcolor namei (no default)
This option sets the color that is used for ll, drawing, and text inside the current scope. Any special
settings for lling colors or drawing colors are immediately \overruled" by this option.
The hcolor namei is the name of a previously dened color. For LATEX users, this is just a normal
\LATEX-color" and the xcolor extensions are allowed. Here is an example:
\tikz \fill[color=red!20] (0,0) circle (1ex);
It is possible to \leave out" the color= part and you can also write:
\tikz \fill[red!20] (0,0) circle (1ex);
What happens is that every option that TikZ does not know, like red!20, gets a \second chance" as a
color name.
For plain TEX users, it is not so easy to specify colors since plain TEX has no \standardized" color naming
mechanism. Because of this, pgf emulates the xcolor package, though the emulation is extremely basic
(more precisely, what I could hack together in two hours or so). The emulation allows you to do the
Specify a new color using \definecolor. Only the two color models gray and rgb are supported8.
Example: \definecolor{orange}{rgb}{1,0.5,0}
Use \colorlet to dene a new color based on an old one. Here, the ! mechanism is supported,
though only \once" (use multiple \colorlet for more fancy colors).
Example: \colorlet{lightgray}{black!25}
Use \color{hcolor namei} to set the color in the current TEX group. \aftergroup-hackery is used
to restore the color after the group.
برای جواب بهتر، منتظر جواب دوستان دیگر باشین.The most unspecic option for setting colors is the following:
/tikz/color=hcolor namei (no default)
This option sets the color that is used for ll, drawing, and text inside the current scope. Any special
settings for lling colors or drawing colors are immediately \overruled" by this option.
The hcolor namei is the name of a previously dened color. For LATEX users, this is just a normal
\LATEX-color" and the xcolor extensions are allowed. Here is an example:
\tikz \fill[color=red!20] (0,0) circle (1ex);
It is possible to \leave out" the color= part and you can also write:
\tikz \fill[red!20] (0,0) circle (1ex);
What happens is that every option that TikZ does not know, like red!20, gets a \second chance" as a
color name.
For plain TEX users, it is not so easy to specify colors since plain TEX has no \standardized" color naming
mechanism. Because of this, pgf emulates the xcolor package, though the emulation is extremely basic
(more precisely, what I could hack together in two hours or so). The emulation allows you to do the
Specify a new color using \definecolor. Only the two color models gray and rgb are supported8.
Example: \definecolor{orange}{rgb}{1,0.5,0}
Use \colorlet to dene a new color based on an old one. Here, the ! mechanism is supported,
though only \once" (use multiple \colorlet for more fancy colors).
Example: \colorlet{lightgray}{black!25}
Use \color{hcolor namei} to set the color in the current TEX group. \aftergroup-hackery is used
to restore the color after the group.