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نویسنده موضوع: پیغام خطای TEXMFDBS is not defined in texmf.cnf در تک لایو  (دفعات بازدید: 1832 بار)

آفلاین taherkhani

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بعد از نصب تک لایو وقتی دستور texhash رو در cmd میزنم این پیغام رو میده

TEXMFDBS is not defined in texmf.cnf

هر فایلی رو هم باز میکنم و میخوام اجرا کنم پیغام log file not found میگیرم.

دوتا فایل به نام texmf.cnf در مسیر نصب تک لایو هست.
محتویات مسیر C:\texlive\2012\texmf.cnf :

% (Public domain.)
% This texmf.cnf file should contain only your personal changes from the
% original texmf.cnf (for example, as chosen in the installer).
% That is, if you need to make changes to texmf.cnf, put your custom
% settings in this file, which is .../texlive/YYYY/texmf.cnf, rather than
% the distributed file (which is .../texlive/YYYY/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf).
% And include *only* your changed values, not a copy of the whole thing!
OSFONTDIR = $SystemRoot/fonts//

محتویات مسیر C:\texlive\2012\texmf-dist\doc\generic\pgf\text-en\texmf.cnf :

% Part 3: Array and other sizes for TeX (and Metafont and MetaPost).
% If you want to change some of these sizes only for a certain TeX
% variant, the usual dot notation works, e.g.,
% main_memory.hugetex = 20000000
% If a change here appears to be ignored, try redumping the format file
% with fmtutil-sys.

% Memory. Must be less than 8,000,000 total.
% main_memory is relevant only to initex, extra_mem_* only to non-ini.
% Thus, have to redump the .fmt file after changing main_memory; to add
% to existing fmt files, increase extra_mem_*.  (To get an idea of how
% much, try \tracingstats=2 in your TeX source file;
% web2c/tests/memtest.tex might also be interesting.)
% To increase space for boxes (as might be needed by, e.g., PiCTeX),
% increase extra_mem_bot.
% For some xy-pic samples, you may need as much as 700000 words of memory.
% For the vast majority of documents, 60000 or less will do.
main_memory = 9000000 % words of inimemory available; also applies to inimf&mp
extra_mem_top = 6000000     % extra high memory for chars, tokens, etc.
extra_mem_bot = 6000000     % extra low memory for boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc.

% Words of font info for TeX (total size of all TFM files, approximately).
% Must be >= 20000 and <= 4000000 (without tex.ch changes).
%font_mem_size = 1200000

% Total number of fonts. Must be >= 50 and <= 2000 (without tex.ch changes).
%font_max = 2000

% Extra space for the hash table of control sequences (which allows 10K
% names as distributed).
hash_extra = 200000

% Max number of characters in all strings, including all error messages,
% help texts, font names, control sequences.  These values apply to TeX and MP.
pool_size = 3850000
% Minimum pool space after TeX/MP's own strings; must be at least
% 25000 less than pool_size, but doesn't need to be nearly that large.
%string_vacancies = 90000
% Maximum number of strings.
%max_strings = 100000
% min pool space left after loading .fmt
%pool_free = 47500

% Buffer size.  TeX uses the buffer to contain input lines, but macro
% expansion works by writing material into the buffer and reparsing the
% line.  As a consequence, certain constructs require the buffer to be
% very large, even though most documents can be handled with a small value.
%buf_size = 200000

% Hyphenation trie.  The maximum possible is 4194303 (ssup_trie_size in
% the sources), but we don't need that much.  The value here suffices
% for all known free hyphenation patterns to be loaded simultaneously
% (as TeX Live does).
%trie_size = 400000

%hyph_size = 8191        % prime number of hyphenation exceptions, >610, <32767.
                        % http://primes.utm.edu/curios/page.php/8191.html
%nest_size = 500 % simultaneous semantic levels (e.g., groups)
%max_in_open = 15 % simultaneous input files and error insertions
%param_size = 10000 % simultaneous macro parameters
%save_size = 5000 % for saving values outside current group
stack_size = 500000 % simultaneous input sources

% It's probably inadvisable to change these. At any rate, we must have:
% 45 < error_line      < 255;
% 30 < half_error_line < error_line - 15;
% 60 <= max_print_line;
% These apply to Metafont and MetaPost as well.
error_line = 254
half_error_line = 127
max_print_line = 32000

« آخرين ويرايش: آوریل 23, 2013, 09:13:22 am توسط taherkhani »

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با سلام
به نظر من ویندوز نتوانسته است مسیر texlive شما را بشناسد.
شما باید این مسیر را به ویندوز بشناسانید. برای دانستن مطالب بیشتر در این مورد به  پست‌های اولیه قسمت texlive در تالار مراجعه کنید.


مشکل پیغام خطای نصب پکیج در تک میکر

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