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این نسخه از بسته bidi را به دوستم سارا اقبالی تقدیم کردهام.
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کد: [انتخاب]
2013/09/22 version 13.8 Vafa Khalighi
* Version 13.8 released.
* LuaTeX-related files removed; bidi package now only works with XeTeX.
* Moved all `\DeclareOption's to `bidi.sty'.
* `RTLdocument' and `rldocument' option no longer insert `\autofootnoterule' at
the beginning of the document.
* All footnote rule related commands can now be used in the preamble of your
LaTeX document and not necessarily at the beginning of the document.
* New conditional for `extrafootnotefeatures' of the package.
* bidi package macros for LaTeX `fleqn' and `leqno' options and `\@eqnum' command are not
loaded if the `amsmath' package is loaded.
* Redefinition of `\[ ... \]' display math of `amsmath' package removed from `amsmath-xetex-bidi.def'.
* Synced `mdframed-xetex-bidi.def' with version 1.9b of `mdframed' package.
همچنین نام تعدادی از فایلهای داخلی بسته تغییر کردهاند.این نسخه از بسته bidi را به دوستم سارا اقبالی تقدیم کردهام.